5 Quick Self-Assessment Tips for RBSE Class 12 Examination
Self-Assessment is a very essential part of exam preparation. As all the students know, there is not a surety whether the exam will be conducted or not. But students will have to be ready for all decisions. Because till now you have already completed your RBSE Class 12th Syllabus. So you will have to take a self-assessment on a regular basis, to keep your learnings refreshed. For self-assessment, you can take the help of 12th RBSE Board Model Papers . If you don’t have Rajasthan Board Class 12th Model Paper 2020 then you can download it from selfstudys.com 5 Quick Self-Assessment Tips Be Informed The very first step for self-assessment is to be informed of every tiny detail. From syllabus to the marking schemes you must have knowledge of all the things. To get informed of marking schemes, exam pattern, difficulty level, etc. You should use the RBSE Class 12th Syllabus . Think Like a Teacher When you sit for solving the questions of model papers, think like a te...