5 Tips to Do Effortless Study in GSEB Class 12th

GSEB Class 12th is one of the most crucial classes. In this standard, you will have to study as hard as you can. But what about the long syllabus of GSEB for class 12th. There will be many topics and chapters that you have to complete within a limited time. Therefore it is important to know how to study effortlessly or in an easy way. Along with fulfilling all the requirements. 


Here I am going to share 5 Tips to Do Effortless Study in GSEB Class 12th. But before sharing my tips. I would like to inform you that you will need study materials to do your study. 


To download study materials such as GSEB Class 12th books, Syllabus click here

5 Effortless Study Tips 

 1:- Don’t Skip a Day from Studying

If you want to do effortless study then you have to be consistent with your studies. Never skip a single day. Because if you dare to skip it. You will start stacking your work one by one. No matter whether you spend less time in study or an ample amount of time in study. Just be regular. It will help you to not wait for the last moment to rush while you start preparing for your board exam.

 2:- Finish Your Prescribed Textbooks Before Reference Books

When students get into class 12th they start studying from reference textbooks instead of prescribed textbooks. I have personal experience with this and let me tell you it was the biggest mistake of my educational life. Therefore I am warning you here to don’t use reference books until you finish your board prescribed books. 


It is so because prescribed textbooks are written in a very easy manner and there are not so many pages to read. Everything is compiled in a beautiful way. Also you can complete your prescribed textbooks in less time. So the syllabus will also be covered very fastly. In this case you can use Gujarati Medium Books for class 12th or in any medium you feel comfortable.

 3:- Use Notes 

Can’t stress enough on this. Because it is more important than anything you do extra for your study. Revision notes make study a lot easier. It is one of the quickest ways to revise your entire syllabus and textbook’s chapters in a short span of time. 


Here I would like to suggest you to make your own notes while you study your GSEB Class 12th books. If you don’t have much time then you can take help from the internet to find out notes for you. But self handwritten are best.

 4:-Focus on Self Study

I think I am not the first human who is suggesting you to focus on your selfstudys. You may have heard it a lot of the time. Because it is the most powerful thing in this world to achieve any kind of success. If you have heard about “Elon Musk” he has built the world’s best rocket by himself. Just by self studying. So you know how powerful it is. That is why I am insisting you to give more time to yourself studying. Even if you skip school or college for any day, still do your study at home.

5:-Be Curious

It sounds good. Right? But you may say academic study is boring. It is so because you are not curious enough for the subject you have to study. One day Albert Einstein said “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.” Imagine if he can invent so many things and can develop the world’s most complicated topics and theories then passing your class 12th is definitely child's play. Start taking interest in the subjects and your study will never feel boring to you. You will not even have to make an effort to study.


Doing the above things will help you to study with less effort. And also doing this will save you from being anxious during exam preparations.

Use Selfstudys.com to get all kinds of study materials for free of cost. 

Reference: https://www.bloglovin.com/@selfstudys/5-tips-to-do-effortless-study-in-gseb-class


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